Bairnsdale Show
I am delighted to announce that Buchan Primary School has once again won the Aggregate Award at the Bairnsdale Show, a testament to the incredible talent and hard work of our students. We hope many of you had the chance to visit the show last weekend to admire the impressive range of student entries on display. A special thank you goes out to Judi Sykes and Lauren Hill, whose dedication and support were instrumental in preparing our students' art and craft projects for the show season.
A.I.P (Annual implementation plan) 2023
2023 First Day Of School
Students commence school on Monday 30th January 2023. School times: 9.00am to 3.15pm.
Term 1 2023 NAPLAN
NAPLAN Grades 3 and 5—Wednesday 15th March to Monday 27th March 2023. More information will be forwarded to parents closer to the due dates.
Term 1 Professional Practice Day - No Students At School
Staff will be attending a Professional Practice Day on Friday 10th March in Bairnsdale. Students will not be required at school on this day.

Science of Reading Commencing Term 1 2023
Last week on our Curriculum Day, Aidan and I travelled to Churchill Primary School to observe their literacy program. This had been something that I had wanted to do since 2020, however due to the bushfires and then COVID-19, it had always been put on the back burner due to circumstances beyond our control. In 2023, we will be introducing the science of reading into our literacy. The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. This research has been conducted over the last five decades across the world, and it is derived from thousands of studies conducted in multiple languages. The science of reading has culminated in a preponderance of evidence to inform how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach and, therefore, improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties. “If a child memorizes ten words, the child can read only ten words, but if a child learns the sounds of ten letters, the child will be able to read 350 three sound words, 4320 four sound words and 21,650 five sound words.” ~Dr. Martin Kozloff The science of reading is derived from researchers from multiple fields: cognitive psychology, communication sciences, developmental psychology , education, implementation science, linguistics, neuroscience and school psychology. Scarborough’s Reading Rope (2001) fine-tuned this model to specify aspects of each area of reading instruction and how they intersect. As a student’s decoding skills become more automatic and they become more strategic in using their growing language comprehension skills, these skills intertwine. The result: students develop into skilled, fluent readers.
Term 1 Friday 17th February 2023 Curriculum Day
We will be attending a Curriculum Day at Yarram Primary School on Friday 17th February 2023. We are collaborating with the staff at Yarram Primary School to implement the Berry Street Model of Education. No students at school on this day—Friday 17th February.
Parent Teacher Interviews Term 1 2023
Parent / Teacher interviews—Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February 2023. More information will follow closer to the date regarding appointment times and availability. We look forward to seeing on there!
No Preps At School - First 5 Wednesday's Of Term 1 2023
Prep students are not required at school on Wednesday 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd February and Wednesday 1st March due to testing.
Ensuring Our School Is Fire Ready
We are now taking enrolments for 2023
Term 1 2023 A.F.L Clinic
We will be hosting 2 A.F.L clinics for the senior and junior classes at the school on the following days; Monday 6th February and Monday 13th February.
Cross Country Term 1 2023
Cross country— Friday 24th March. Buchan Caves Reserve. All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
2023 School Year Dates
All students start school on Monday 30th January at 9am. Our term dates are as follows: Term 1 Students start Monday 30th January in government schools to 6th April. Term 2 Monday 24th April to 23rd June. Term 3 Monday 10th July to 15th September. Term 4 2nd October to 20th December.
Welcome Marley
Marley our wellbeing dog, who is a Cavoodle joined our school community on Wednesday 10th November.
Schoolstream App at Buchan P.S
We are now using the Schoolstream app as our major form of communication. Go to the App Store on your phone and download Schoolstream. Open the app and type in Buchan in the search bar to load our schools profile. Make sure you agree to Push Notifications when prompted. See you on line!